Catching up here a bit with the ongoing upgrades to the A-Frame. Here you can see pictures of a) the old windows, b) the complete degradation of their framing, c) the reframing necessary before installation of new windows, and d) new windows! We are very very pleased with our new 'Elite' aluminum clad wood windows. They are very beautiful and didn't break the bank. Matti, our ever-patient contractor swears by them and has essentially used nothing else for years.
As you can see, once the windows came out we realized that the framing of the wall was quite disintegrated from water seeping in around them. All of the barn board had to come off of that wall and the framing reconstructed - quite the endeavour!
What a huge amount of expertise and plain hard work has been going on at the A-frame! I missed this phase of the repairs, glad to see the (albeit cringe-worthy) 'before' photos, and so delighted with the results of your and Matti's thinking and effort.